A big "Thank You" goes out to our Administrators for treating us today to our Thanksgiving Lunch, and to our amazing Cafeteria Workers for making this awesome lunch! We appreciate all of you. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Thanksgiving lunch
RHMS wishes our students and parents a wonderful Thanksgiving Break! We are thankful for you! Students and Staff Holidays are Monday, 11/22/21 through Friday, 11/26/21. We return to school on Monday, 11/29/21. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Thanksgiving Break
We've added another pick-up date for the remaining Butter Braids Orders. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Butter Braids
It's American Education Week and our staff was treated to pizza and salad for lunch! #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
American Education
It's time for RHMS 6th annual LEGO drive for Memorial Hospital. We collect and donate new and used legos to be used in playrooms, chemo rooms and for birthday parties for children at Memorial Hospital. Please drop off Legos in room, 343 in the STEAM wing. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Lego Donations
Girls Interested in RHMS Lacrosse should attend the parent meeting on Thursday, November 18th. See flyer for details. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Our next PBIS Event is coming up! 150 Points to qualify! December 10 is the last day to qualify for the event. Homeroom teachers must register their students only by this date. This will be a wristband event. Wristbands will be delivered to teachers December 15. The event will take place during connections classes. Bring $$ for concessions!
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Who wants to win a FREE PIZZA certificate for everyone in your class plus an awesome Pizza/ Dessert Certificate for your homeroom teacher? It's that time of year again when our school goes all out to help others! The Beta Club is sponsoring the Canned Food Drive from November 4th through November 16th! 1) Take Non-perishable food items to your homeroom 2) Count the items (then your teacher reports the daily total on a Google Form 3) Take all items to Room 501
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Food Drive
Tonight is RHMS Marco's Pizza Night! Don't forget to order your Pizza!
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Marcos Pizza
Girls Interested in RHMS Lacrosse should attend the parent meeting on Thursday, November 18th. See flyer for details. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Girls Lacrosse
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Girls Basketball
Who wants to win a FREE PIZZA certificate for everyone in your class plus an awesome Pizza/ Dessert Certificate for your homeroom teacher? It's that time of year again when our school goes all out to help others! The Beta Club is sponsoring the Canned Food Drive from November 4th through November 16th! 1) Take Non-perishable food items to your homeroom 2) Count the items (then your teacher reports the daily total on a Google Form 3) Take all items to Room 501
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Food Drive
Happy American Education Week to our RHMS Teachers and Staff! You give 100% everyday to our students and community. As a small token of appreciation, we hope you enjoy your daily treats this week! THANK YOU for all you do! #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
RHMS hosted Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Basic Archery Instructor Course for the National Archery in the Schools Program on 9 Nov 21. 16 educators from across the state attended the training and qualified to bring Archery into their schools. The BAI course is an 8 hour course held in various locations across the state each year. Congrats to these educators on completing the course. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Come out and support your RHMS Cheerleaders as they compete for the 2021 Region Title this Thursday in the RHMS Gymnasium at 6pm. Admissions is $5.00 and concessions will be sold. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Cheerleading Region Competition
RHMS is welcomed Veterans to have lunch with their children today. Thank you for your service to our community and our country! #WeAreRHMS #VeteransDay2021
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
First District RESA sponsored the Young Georgia Authors Writing Competition. Congrats to Catalina O'Connor for winning this award at Richmond Hill Middle School. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Young Georgia Authors Competition
Remember, November 11th is a Student Holiday and November 12th is a Staff and Student Holiday! Be Safe and Thank a Veteran! #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Happy Veterans Day
Come out and support your RHMS Cheerleaders as they compete for the 2021 Region Title this Thursday in the RHMS Gymnasium at 6pm. Admissions is $5.00 and concessions will be sold. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Cheerleading Region Competition
RHMS Archers tested their skills during a Pumpkin Shoot earlier in November. Check it out! #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
RHMS Archery