Disc Golf Club End of Semester Tournament happened on 12/16/21. 8th Graders Hagan Weathers shot the best at -2 and Brayden Wiggins was close shooting even. 7th Grade was close with Baylor shooting +4 and Noah shooting +9. 6th grade winners were Caydon Cooper shooting +3 and Jake Suhr shooting +6. Great tournament, more to come soon!
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Disc Golf
Disc Golf
Disc Golf
Disc Golf
Wishing our RHMS Family a happy and safe holiday break! #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Holiday Break
Our PTSO is the best! They purchased and distributed enough packs of oreos for every student to enjoy during the movie. Students are having a PBIS rewards day today and watching holiday movies during connections classes. Thank you PTSO for all you do for our students and staff! #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
RHMS welcomed students to our Winter Wonderland this morning. It was so great to see some of our former students, as well as some younger students who will be coming to us in the future. We would like to thank the Rotary club for donating books to give as gifts. #WeAreRHMS #RotaryclubofRichmondHill
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Winter Wonderland
Winter Wonderland
As part of our second PBIS event, each grade is competing in a Faculty/Student basketball game during Connections classes. Students are also being treated to a DJ and concessions outside. We caught up with these 6th grade teachers who won their game against the students this morning. Way to go teachers and students! #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Basketball Game
Basketball Game
Wishing our RHMS Family a happy and safe holiday break! #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Happy Holidays from our RHMS Administrators. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Happy Holidays
RHMS is offering a Basketball Camp on Tuesday, January 4th. Registration and Payment should be done through MyPaymentsPlus. See flyer for details. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Basketball Camp
Wishing our RHMS Family a happy and safe holiday break! #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Congratulations to all of our Spelling Bee Participants. A big congrats to our winner Gracelyn Gross and runner-up Jackson Lyons. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee
ORDER TODAY, DON'T DELAY!!! DEADLINE 12.31.21 Make the yearbook even more special for your student. A yearbook ad is a loving tribute to your student, personalized with your own sentimental message and a cherished photo, or photo collage. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’ll last forever. Go to https://www.tributeads.com/login/registration_form.php?orgid=105 today to get started.
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Tribute Ad
Wildcat News is looking for new backgrounds for our news show. We need fresh, new images for our Pledge of Allegiance, Lunch, Weather, and Sports reports. Email Ms. Padgett your digital artwork, or drop off artwork in room 312. Questions? See Ms. Padgett.
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Wildcat News
Congrats to our Girls Basketball Team for defeating Burke County. Come support our teams today for the Black and Gold Games, beginning at 4:30. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Black and Gold Game
Interested in Track? There will be an interest meeting for students on Thursday, December 16th at 8:10 in the Gym. Students should take their chromebooks to the meeting. Students should also complete the online interest form. Questions? See Coach Ryder. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Track Interest Meeting
Our Archery club held their raffle drawing this morning for three bows. Check out the video on our Facebook page! #WeAreRHMS https://www.facebook.com/RichmondHillMiddle/videos/432442345013668
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Archery Drawing
Congrats to our RHMS Basketball Teams on their win against Ebenezer! #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Basketball Team
Don't forget about our 5th - 8th grade STEAM Parent Night tonight, December 9th, from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. We look forward to seeing you! #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
STEAM night
Tomorrow is the last day to purchase Candy Grams. Purchase your Candy Grams from 7:30 - 8:00 in the atrium for $2.00, or order on My Payments Plus. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Candy Gram
Friday (Dec. 10th) is Tacky Sweater Day for Faculty, and PJ Day for Students. Students, bring $1.00 and wear you school appropriate pajamas to school. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
PJ  Day
Tomorrow, Friday, 12/10/21, is Ice Cream day at RHMS. Bring your $1.00 to purchase an Ice Cream ticket in the morning in the atrium. #WeAreRHMS
about 3 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Ice Cream