Yearbooks are on Sale Now! The price will increase January 1st!
Tomorrow is Friday and that means Ice Cream! Tickets will be sold in the atrium before school. #WeAreRHMS
Tomorrow is the last day to register for the Flu Shot. If you would like for you student to be vaccinated at the school-based flu vaccination clinic then you should complete, sign, and return the Parental Consent form to the school nurse by September 29, 2023. https://www.bryan.k12.ga.us/page/fluvaccine #WeAreRHMS
Support the RHMS Tennis Team by purchasing from their Spirit Store! #WeAreRHMS
website: https://2fishapparel.com/collections/richmond-hill-spirit-store
6th Grade Fall Concert - October 16 - RHMS Cafeteria at 6PM
Chorus Concert - October 12, 2023 - 6pm in the RHMS Gym #WeAreRHMS
We are excited to welcome parents to Curriculum Night, TONIGHT! See flyer for more information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MJpLEc1QvttiST3a_6XuzrjXoWhPsyS1/view?usp=sharing #WeAreRHMS
Monday is the last day to submit paperwork for swim tryouts on Wednesday. Students must complete the tryout form, RHMS athletic registration, and have a current physical on file. All links can be found on the school swim page. #WeAreRHMS
Be sure to check out the Parent Insider for September 22, 2023. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFuzpI5VPg/uENzZgbeerkMN9sba-lURQ/view?utm_content=DAFuzpI5VPg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink #WeAreRHMS
Tomorrow is Friday and that means Ice Cream! Tickets will be sold in the atrium before school. #WeAreRHMS
Congratulations to Raedan Sander & Ryan Garner for winning Athlete of the Week! #WeAreRHMS
BCS has partnered with the Department of Public Health to administer Flu Shots to Staff & Students who wish to participate. If you would like for you student to be vaccinated at the school-based flu vaccination clinic then you should complete, sign, and return the Parental Consent form to the school nurse by September 29, 2023. https://www.bryan.k12.ga.us/page/fluvaccine #WeAreRHMS
Travel back to Middle School for a night of hands-on learning. September 25, 2023 6:15-7:15.
The Drawing Board Club has been rescheduled for October 12th from 3-4. #WeAreRHMS
Congratulations to our Teacher & Staff Member of the Year!
Teacher of the Year - Mr. Peter Waltz
Staff Member of the Year - Mrs. Tania Gilbert
For information on FBLA see Ms. Howell in Rm. 426. #WeAreRHMS
7th & 8th Grade Girls Join us for an opportunity to learn lacrosse!
Physicals and Registration Required. #WeAreRHMS https://sites.google.com/bryan.k12.ga.us/girlslacrosse/home?pli=1 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKGzRBKopqP2sVBqcszGTauwR_86ecg2_V9zG-fPmIOvTLqg/closedform
Hat Day - September 21st - $1
Proceeds go toward United Way
The RHMS Yearbook Staff is accepting photos for a page on student summer adventures! Please upload your photos to the following link by November 1st. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeAy10XlQyBy1aLH10yT-CsKJr27z6FyinkIcwdSMLMBv4bSg/viewform?usp=sf_link #WeAreRHMS