Winter Holidays begin Thursday, 12/22. Staff will return to work on 1/2/17 for a Staff Planning Day. Students return on 1/3/17.
The widening of Harris Trail will take place Wednesday, December 21st from 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and all day December 22nd. The 21st is the last day of school prior to the holidays. You may experience traffic delays on this day.
Tuesday, 12/20 is the ELA Exam, and Wednesday, 12/21 is the Math Exam. Good Luck Students!
Remember - Science and Social Studies Exams will be Monday, December 20th!
STEM Night is Monday Night from 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. We will be featuring several competition projects and exciting displays. We also have Lunar Rocks. Come join us for an exciting and informative evening!
RHMS Students participate in the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
8th Grade Students are visiting Washington, D.C. this week. One group of students stopped for a picture in front of the White House.
RHMS Students and Staff dress up to show their holiday spirit.
Dr. McGrath, Principal, Dr. Emerson and Mr. Shultz, Assistant Principals, show their Holiday Spirit.
RHMS is excited to announce that we will have Lunar rocks and meteor fragments, sent from Johnson Space Center, on display at STEM night. STEM Night is 12/19/16 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. We will also have rocketry, the astronaut challenge, hydroponics, Field Studies and the Future City Competition on display. Please join us for this exciting event. #WeAreRHMS
RHMS 8th Graders are enjoying their trip to Washington, D.C. #WeAreRHMS
Butter Braids were sent home with the students Wednesday. Larger orders should be picked up in the cafeteria Friday, 12/16/16, between 10:00 - 2:00. Please contact Kristi Cox with questions @ (912)655-2725.
Follow Richmond Hill Middle School on Twitter! @RichmondHillMS #WeAreRHMS
RHMS Teachers/Staff want to say "Thank You" to our PTSO and parents for the wonderful desserts! We appreciate you! #WeAreRHMS
The widening of Harris Trail will take place next Wednesday, December 21st from 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and all day December 22nd. The 21st is the last day of school prior to the holidays. You may experience traffic delays on this day.
Be on the look out for your favorite RHMS teachers and staff as they spread the Christmas spirit to the good boys and girls of Richmond Hill. Teachers will be caroling through Piercefield, Teal Lake, Ashton and Plantation Apartment complexes between 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 15th.
Remember, Exams begin Friday with Connections. Mon 12/19 - Science/Social Studies. Tues 12/20 - ELA, Wed 12/21 - Math. Good Luck!
Congratulations to the following students for being selected as participants and alternates for the 2017 District 1 Honor Band:
Lauren Stratton*,
James Shin* ,
Abigail Hodgdon*,
Cecilia Mateo*,
Stephanie Harter*,
David McGee*,
Kiersten McKenzie*,
John Mastrorilli*,
Jakob Byrd*,
Jonatan Gonzalez*,
Kharrington Mitchem*,
Aidan Carvalho,
Meiling Gessler,
Camille Knight,
Brenna Loveless,
Ryan Brinson,
James GaNun,
* Denotes students who scored high enough to qualify for the 2nd Round All-State Auditions
RHMS Student council will sell candy grams for $2.00 in the atrium from 12/8/16 until 12/13/16 and distribute them on 12/16/16. Buy a candy gram for friends, teachers, or yourself and make someone happy!
RHMS students and staff collected LOTS of Legos for The Children's Hospital. Child Life Specialists were thrilled with the donation. Way to go RHMS! #WeAreRHMS