There will be a letter jacket sale on Tuesday, March 14 during lunch in the cafeteria. Neff will be here and order forms and payment are due on that day.
BCHS’ soccer game which is scheduled for Friday Feb. 17 has been changed to Thursday Feb. 16, 2017 due to the girls basketball home state playoff game. BCMS is scheduled to play a home soccer game the same day, therefore the middle school will play on the practice field.
Thursday Feb. 16
• BCHS soccer home against Vidalia boys @ 5pm girls @ 7pm (main field)
• BCMS soccer home against South Effingham boys @ 4:15pm girls to follow (practice field)
Congratulations to our JROTC Redskins who competed in Drill this past weekend. The winners are listed below with their achievement.
ALEXANDRIA Foxworth: Placed 1st Female Armed Platoon Regulation
Kohler, Brett Placed: 2nd in Color Guard
Jessica Hammond: Placed 2nd in Platoon Female Unarmed Regulation
Stephen Giddens: Placed 2nd in Unarmed Male squad
Eddy Neives: Placed 2nd in Armed squad
Morgan, Jailyn: Placed 2nd in Female Armed Squad
Boyd, Steven: Placed 3rd in Armed Male Platoon
CHABRAVIA Jernigan: Placed 3rd in Female Unarmed Squad
Course registration forms are coming home today for most 9th-11th graders or tomorrow (for students who’s adviser may be out OR did not finish recommendation in advisement today). These are due back to advisers by Wednesday. Parent signatures are REQUIRED!
All students are to select 8 courses and 2 alternates. American Studies is year-long and counts as two courses (Honors American Lit/Honors US History).
SAT Prep is also being offered for college bound rising juniors and seniors only.
3:45- 5pm
Black Creek Golf Course
Must have:
-Physical on file with the school
-Academic progress
-Positive attitude/behavior(s)
There will be no girls soccer practice today!
Bryan County High School Color Guard Instructor wanted.
Any questions regarding cap and gown:
Herff Jones-The Roderick Group
Congratulations to JROTC Drill Meet winners on Saturday, January 28!
Jessica Hammond Placed 3rd in Platoon Unarmed Regulation
Jessica Hammond Placed 2nd in Platoon Female Unarmed Regulation
Eddy Nieves Placed 4TH in armed squad
Chabravia Jernigan placed 2nd in Female unarmed squad
Alexandria Foxworth place 4th Female unarmed squad
Brett Kholer place 3rd in Color Guard
Freshman students and parents: There will be a meeting on Thursday, February 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the high school cafeteria to discuss the Move On When Ready dual credit program. We will also have a speaker from the Georgia Student Finance Commission who will be presenting regarding the HOPE scholarship and other post-secondary financial aid. It is important to start planning for this now! See you there!
BCHS Boys Soccer parent meeting January 26 at 6:45 pm in the media center.
BCHS Baseball Parent meeting, January 26 at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria.
Congratulations to Ashlyn Williams!
BCHS will be hosting a JROTC Drill meet this Saturday, January 28, 2017.
The event will begin at 10:00 A.M.
BCHS Football Field
Teams participating: Statesboro, Metter, South East Bulloch, ECI, Swainsboro, Bryan County, Jenkins
Coaches meeting will start @ 09:00 am.
For more information contact LTC Michael Hampton or SFC Stevie Stringer
More Scholarship Information Available.
New Scholarship information is available. Please see the BCHS counselor page for more details.http://www.bryancountyschools.org/o/bchs/page/scholarship-information--4
BCHS Basketball game times have changed from the original schedule. Games will be held in the BCHS gym on Saturday against Portal.
BCHS Girls 1:00
BCHS Boys 2:30
Georgia TSA will have a meeting on January 17 (Tuesday) in Mrs. Cashon’s room from 3:05-3:30.
Career Day Information
There will be a Literary Team interest meeting on Thursday, 1/12/17 from 3:05-4:30. The meeting will take place in Mrs. Opper’s room, which is near the 400 hall. Please come if you are interested in competing in Girl’s or Boy’s Solo, Girl’s Trio, Boys Quartet, Public Speaking, Essay Writing, or Acting events. This is a team for a competition that will take place late February and early March.