Congratulations to the Class of 2018! A special thank you to Malcolm Trice for the video! #PrideoftheTribe
Times for Graduates of the Class of 2018 - also in your contract you were given! #Congratulations #PrideoftheTribe
With SY18-19 schedules, please turn in a schedule change form (in guidance office/BCHS website) if errors exist or a change is requested.
Tentative students schedules for SY18-19 will be going out tomorrow, 5/17 during advisement. D/E and WBL will not show at this time.
Check out this announcement for the Class of 2018! #PrideoftheTribe
Announcements from Mrs. Grossman:
Class of 2018 Stage Ceremony picture money is due on May 15 at the cap/gown picture to Mrs. Cashon. Deadline: May 15 at the cap/gown picture
Class of 2018 Cap & Gown photo will be taken on May 15th (Tuesday) in the BCHS Gym at 11:30 a.m. You may pay that day with exact change.
Senior Honors Night is May 17th (Thursday) at 6:00 p.m. in the BCHS Gym
9th thru 11th Grade Honors Night is May 14th (Monday) at 6:00 p.m. in the BCHS Gym
Do not miss this great event! #RedskinsCreate #PrideoftheTribe
Check out our Prom 2018 pictures from Bryan County Now: http://www.savannahnow.com/photogallery/GA/20180506/NEWS/506009992/PH/1
Student athletes needing physicals for next year may get a FREE one next Thursday, May 10. Pick up necessary paperwork in the front office.
Reminder: All contracts and permission forms are due May 4, 2018! Don't forget! #PrideoftheTribe #Classof2018
Thank you to Spanish Honor Society for the appreciation breakfast! #PrideoftheTribe
REMINDER:Spring Sports Banquet tonight at 5:30pm for baseball, golf, soccer, tennis, & track. $3 for family/friends. Athletes/coaches free.
Reminder: Graduation contracts & permission forms are due: May 4, 2018 #PrideoftheTribe #Classof2018